Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Day 27 - Kevin's side of the story

I must admit that quite a number of unexpected things happened to derail my original extremely well-laid plans. Had everything gone according to the way it was planned by the time I was in the restaurant with Teresa that night in LA, I would not even have been here now – chasing people around in the African bush. More likely I would be lazing at some Caribbean beach somewhere without a care in the world and with money literally coming out of my ears.

Still I was somehow able to find a solution each time things went wrong, that kept me on course for the two million dollars pay day.

The first thing that went wrong was that Ed Ross suddenly and unexpectedly died more than four months too early. There were rumors about him having paid off some people to end it all early for him. If it was true, Ed was too smart and there was no proof. So he was quietly buried by close friends and relatives in a small private ceremony.

But I guess the biggest surprise came from his will.

It surprised all of us, including me - one of his lawyers.

Ed had always been a control freak and it seemed to me that somehow he did not want to relinquish control over people even when he was in the grave dead and buried.

One of the surprises was that his wife of 10 years, Teresa was only to inherit the cash on condition that she re-marries. I found that very odd, even sick, coming from Ed. But then the guy never liked it when people figured him out and he often went to extremes just to make sure people didn't figure him out. Always talked about life being like poker game and that you were at great disadvantage if people could read you like a book. Even said that “this secret” (as he called it) had been the main reason behind his becoming a millionaire.

Still I imagined that he wanted to make life uncomfortable for Teresa forcing her quickly into remarrying.

Even stranger his estate was to pay for Teresa's honeymoon in Africa at the Masai Mara when she re-married. Apparently Ed had taken a holiday there once and loved it to bits.

All this really complicated my plans because it brought in an extra person, really unnecessary person who would cost me - David the ex-junkie. I would have gladly married Teresa myself only that I was already married and getting a divorce would have been too complicated for my plans, besides I was not really up for divorce for the time being.

Yes, it had all been quite a mess and even now as I approached Douglas’ homestead still driving at high speed, it seemed that his wife was not in to give me the information I wanted so urgently. Douglas’ wife was an amazing plump lady that had stuck with him through all the difficulties and problems. I had no idea how she took all the abuse from the man, which was regular. I would obviously not volunteer the information, but the abuse had now come to an end forever, at least it would not be coming from Douglas anymore.

Douglas’ 14 year old boy was there and his English wasn’t too bad. He gave me the directions to the nearest health facility, which was surprisingly close.

After a short 10 minute drive I was there.

I parked and thought through my plan carefully. It was simple really, whatever I did, David and Teresa would have to die. I came out of my car and made my way inside the tiny health facility. I didn’t know it at the time, of course, but the shock of my life awaited me inside.


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