Friday, November 26, 2004

Day 2

The word 'bride' even unpronounced and still in my mind sounded rather strange. Had you told me just one month ago that I would be married and on my honey moon in Africa I would have laughed so loud that the dead would have woken up.

You see I'm an entrepreneur. An online ecommerce entrepreneur. I was on the verge of a major breakthrough towards making my big fortune online when I met her.

It happened strangely enough close to my office at the library in downtown LA. (that's where I usually hire a computer for an hour at a time for my netpreneur adventures).

(What do you mean asking me why I don't have a computer of my own, haven't you read all those stories about how entrepreneurs start off? They start small and grow very big and that's exactly what I was doing. Even Bill Gates sisn't start off with a computer of his own.)

She didn't seem to mind much that I was in a city drugs rehabilitation program and... well that's not really interesting stuff and neither is it relevant to this story.

It started with a warm bright smile from her. I couldn't remember the last time a nice lady smiled like that at me. It was probably somebody getting a fix in... there I go again giving stuff that's not relevant to the story.

Yes, that smile. It didn't make my knees weak or any of that stupid stuff that's supossed to happen. But it was something.

We talked briefly about the library and what we were doing there. I wanted the conversation to end as quickly as possible, she seemed to want it to continue forever. Like she got her daily fix from talking to total strangers at the public library.

Well, I finally fled.

But we met again. And again. And again.

And then she invited me for a cup of coffee. What is it about women that makes a man want to talk and open up? Or was I trying so hard to get rid of her and end this ridiculous liaison?

Probably a bit of both. I just poured out all the gory details of my life. All fourty something years of them.

She listened and I thought I saw some alarm and panic register meomentarily on that thirty something blonde head of hers.

I braced myself for the worst. After all I consoled myself, my romatic liasions had never really amounted to anything. Accidental encounters would be a better word to describe them. (More on some of them later.)

So I assumed I would never see her again. And actually I didn't see her again for a while. A few days actually. But what upset me even more was that I was a little dissapointed that I didn't. That bothered me a lot. It bothered me more than the fact that I didn't see her. What was happening to me? I figured I had gotten rid of all the halucinations in my life for good. Now what was this? Me going soft over a woman? That's crazy. That's just not me.

Then I saw her again. In the strangest of places.
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Blogger mythreefeet said...

C'mon people, hurry up and COMMENT! I wanna see what's next LOL.

2:35 PM  
Blogger Sarah Ruiz said...

Well I was certainly hooked by the second sentence. Which I happened to read before the first. But anyway, I find your (chris) story very personal. Of course, it is in first person and speaks directly to the reader, but I think you have a casual way of writing that is very refreshing to someone who is used to reading all those dusty 100 year old 'classics'. I can't wait to read more.
Am I being encouraging enough?

5:29 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Gasoline to an engine that's reeeeeeving up. Thanx.

9:34 PM  

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