The Safari Experience: What Should You Expect In The African Bush?
What do people remember most from an African Safari to a place like Kenya?
The interesting thing is that many who go on safari are not animal lovers as such. And yet the experience always changes them.
My fictional account in this blog novel describes a safari experience and gives a pretty good idea of what it is like to most people.
Okay you have seen a lion many times on TV, but there are no words to describe that moment when you see it out there in the wild, right in front of you. I am an experienced writer but I can’t quite get the words to describe the alluring scent of the African bush. Far away from bill boards and the concrete jungle that is a major city in the west.
You begin to understand why many tourists who visit this part of the world are repeat visitors. One rich German I know has come every year for the last 20 years!!
I found this writer a lot more descriptive than I can ever be. Read all about his adventure in the African bush for yourself.